Frogspawn Coral


Does anyone know anything about Frogspawn Corals. I just got one and I know nothing about it. I do know it is in side of a small rock like formation and the tenticals have not fully came out yet, {bought it yesterday 2pm} I have a 12 gallon nano tank. Anyone? Anyone? ANYONE??????? :thinking:


Active Member
they can out grow a 12 g in pretty short order, euphylia like medium light medium to low flow, some people spot feed theirs, in a tank that small I wouldnt it'll grow too fast. plus it will consume some of the flake food or whatever you are feeding your fish possibly.


I have mine up high under PCs, with low flow. I spot feed mine twice a week. Bought it with two heads, now it's going on about 5 or 6 months time.


they are easy to keep if your tank is healthy and yoru parameters are within check. Try to keep it in the middle or higher up since your lighting is low.


I have a frogspawn in my 12 gallon aquapod and it does great. I got mine when it was really small and it has grown slightly but not enough to say that it has over grown my tank or that it looks like it wants to over grow my tank. One word of advice don't place it too close to your other corals, even if it looks like it cannot touch another coral close by- when it fully opens you'd be suprised how different it looks (size wise that is) & the reason why I say this is b/c they pack a pretty big punch when it comes to stinging other corals. Otherwise I'd say it sould do just fine in your tank, mine loves it in mine!!!!!!!


Active Member
I've got a frogspawn that's doing wonderfully in a 12 gallon though it'll soon be transfered to my 55. I guess it should be mentioned what/how to spot feed, should you go that route (and I suggest you do to keep it happy and healthy). Buy some zooplex and phytoplex (they contain zoo-plankton and phytoplankton respectively). Shake each well, then, for a 12 gallon, you should put only enough in the cap of the bottle to come up to the first thread on one, put it in a bowl/cup, then the same with the other and mix them together. You then use a syringe (these can be found for like $1 at your LFS), suck up the mix, then squirt it at/around the frogspawn tentacles. Personally I do this once a week, and with a small tank you probably shouldn't do it more than that to avoid crashing your tank. Hope that helps.
And for future reference, it might help to find out how to care for your corals when/before buying. That way you can get the supplies and have them ready, with instructions, when you need them.