Frogspawn in 12 gal aquapod



Just wondering where best placement would be for this. My GF bought one for her Nano before I had a chance to research it. I'm reading conflicting reports on it. Some sites are saying it doesn't like a lot of light (But that goes against everything I understood about LPS corals). Most are saying med flow and high light. I currently have it positioned very high in the pod with the two braches as close to the lights as possible. She's had it for about 4 days and it doesn't seem to be coming out like it should. Could this be because it's also close to one of the return heads? It's not directly in the path of the head but would be in what I would call moderate to high flow where it's at. If that's a problem how can I give it high light without also giving it high flow due to being the the very top of the pod?
They do not like a unidirectional flow but more of a slight whipping or swaying action. You need two points of flow to accomplish this. If I remember correctly the AP has a split lockline return with two nozzles. If so point them in opposite direction. Normally you would point powerheads or returns toward one another, but on the AP they are too close together. After you begin to see this swaying action, place the coral in an area of moderate flow. If the flow only blows across it in one direction strongly, it will do exactly what your saying it's doing. I always recomend putting an additional power head in all APs NCs ect.