Frogspawn in a 12 gal aquapod



I posted this in the Nano thread but thought it might get more play here (Mods, if one needs deleted please feel free to do so)
I am Just wondering where best placement would be for this. My GF bought one for her 12 gal Nano before I had a chance to research it. I'm reading conflicting reports on it. Some sites are saying it doesn't like a lot of light (But that goes against everything I understood about LPS corals). Most are saying med flow and high light. I currently have it positioned very high in the pod with the two braches as close to the lights as possible. She's had it for about 4 days and it doesn't seem to be coming out like it should. Could this be because it's also close to one of the return heads? It's not directly in the path of the head but would be in what I would call moderate to high flow where it's at. If that's a problem how can I give it high light without also giving it high flow due to being the the very top of the pod?


It's 5 months old. We bought it used b/c the previous owner was upgrading to the HQI light aquapod. It has 14 lbs LR completely grown w/ coraline and some macro algae and I am working on making the chamber a fuge.
I tested over the weekend got
0 on trates, trites, ammonia, and 8.0 ph.


Active Member
Generally frogspawn don't like very much flow, just enough to blow the tentacles around a little, it'll take a while to fully come out though. Your lighting should be fine, they are pretty hardy.