frogspawn in a biocube?


Active Member
i have a biocube 29 with stock lighting and would like to buy frogspawn i have no corals i have 2 clowns im gona buy star polyps but can i have frogspawn if i put it in the top of the tank??


yea, you're good. i've even seen them at the bottom in the sand. i still would try to keep it as close to the light as possibe


Active Member
thx when i go buy coral soon im just gona go pig out and buy like $150 of coral and a power head so thats rly only like 100 for coral oh yea and im buying chaeto so hahha im rly not pending that much on coral

tang master

+1. i have mine in there. there colors wont pop like they would under intense MH but the still look cool. mine kinda was clear with pink "warts".