Frogspawn Reproducing???



I recently found a very small dropping(piece of a tentical?) under my frogspawn that looks exactly like the coral. Is this some type of reproductive behavior. I'm wondering because the coral has been extending much more lately than it has in the past.
If this is reproduction, does anyone have any advise on what I should do? Should I move the dropping?


Active Member
My frogspawn grows by getting new heads. I did once have a couple "drops" of irridesent green on a rock below it. Lasted a few days then disappered. I tried to research it but couldn't really find any info so I too am interested to know if they reproduce like that.


Active Member
They "drop" their tentacles for one of two reasons in my experience. Either 1.) they are not happy where they are and just let them go, or 2.) they are actually getting ripped off by something. In my case it was too much current or an emerald crab.


Active Member
I have also seen hammers (same family) do the same thing. ) It usually happened when it was brushed against somthing like an arm, net or other lanscaping tool.


This is reproductive behavior. The "droppings" rarely seem to take hold, however, though I have had one take hold and grow on the rock below my frogspawn. Luckly, it hit a small rock, and I was able to move it into the light.
In general, I just snap off branches and set them up elsewhere to get the frogspawn to "reproduce."