

Active Member
We have a frogspawn with about 6 heads on it that opens up bigger then a grapefruit!! It gets huge. It is a 125 under 3x150w mh 4x96w pc. We drip with kalkwasser and add a couple times a week kent marine phytoplex and microvert. It has been a very easy and very nice coral for us!


This is my frogspawn.
I have a 55 gallon with 260 watt PC lighting
I do not "feed" it.
It gets what it needs from the light.


I fed mine brine shrimp or ripped up krill. Mine was growing crazy. They need the protiens and crap to help grow fast.


Active Member
Light and low current is really all they need. Mine gets some food when I am feeding my dendros. Just be sure to give them space because they pack a nasty sting to other corals. Watch out for the feeder tentacle too because they can get quite long.


Active Member
Just out of curiosity; I have a green branching hammer (I have my doubts; resembles a frogspawn very closely :thinking: )... anywho, I'd like to give feeding it krill a go. Really kinda stupid questions, but are the feeders the hammer/circle tentacles out during the day or do they put ones out at night like a candy cane?


Active Member
My hammer and frogspawn shrivel up after lights go out. If I am thinking right, the feeder tentacle basically is the tentacle you see out normally but stretched out further than usual. My hammer likes to stretch out a tentacle or two about 5 inches where as the rest of the tentacles are only 2 - 3 icnhes. It has also zapped my elephant ear a couple of times causing me to move him.


Active Member
Here is mine I feed it Reef DT's and whatever else it can catch. This one is also under 542W of light in a 75G tank



Pyro ya just tear up small pieces into shreds and place it into the tentacles of the hammer and it will slowly injest them. I found feeding both of my frogspawn and grapetipped frogspawn to grow a lot and look good.


Active Member
Thanks; didn't meant to hijack the thread but thought it was relevent.
I'll give it a go =)


iceman, your aiptasia is getting out of control if you haven't noticed
or maybe you like it there, just thought i'd bring it to ur attention


cool so krill it is! i also started adding "kent marine strontium & molybdenum" says it a mineral supplement for minature reefs and it will make my corals open up more. any one know if its good stuff?


New Member
shawn, my clown trigger doesn't bother any of my corals. I've had him in there for almost 7 months. I also have a chocolate chip star, brain coral, hammer coral, mushrooms, and some macro algea seem to be blooming in the front.
JooJoo, yea i noticed those damn anemones for a few months now, i've been working so much I haven't had a chance to spray them down with some hawt water. thanks for noticing it.


Active Member
I'd do a search on aiptasia - lots of good cures. I haven't had to use any, but if I did I'd go with the kalk paste due to the fact I already have kalk mix and it seems to work very well.
Is it ok to feed saltwater corals/fish the same krill i feed ourfreshwater fish? I'm assuming so but wanted to make sure.