from cfl 14 gal to 29 gal hqi


Hey all, long time no talk, hope everyone is well.
so the lighting on my 14 gallon biocube got roasted and I am upgrading to a 29 gallon HQI. my concern is I have an 8 year old clown-hosted elegance coral who is very happy in his algae-ridden, Dim-light home lol.
my concern is that having an open top with high temperature lighting and so many more lumens might upset homeostasis for the elegance. I believe I figured out this species I don't want to be one of the crowd has killed these corals by providing too bright and too pristine of an environment. since the clown in elegance have lived alone in the tank with no other fish my intention was to keep it the same
has anybody made the switch and what are your experiences with finicky corals getting so many extra lumens?