From one to another



When I bought my clowns, I also bought a LTA. They hosted, it was great. Then, I found out that anemones are not just easy to keep (it was my first coral what can I say:nope: Anyway, the coral died. I would eventually like to get another/or BTA. My ?- I understand when there are two anem. in one tank, cysts can be transfered. But since my percs haven't hosted one for some time, there will be no cyst trans, right? Because don't clowns have to build up the immunity, and so mine would have to rebuild it because of the time period without one. So clowns don't retain the cysts it they are not 'wiggling' in the an. right? Thanks


No, Clowns always have imunity, get the lighting u need learn about the anemone set your tank up and put the BTA in, if your fish don't host it its not becasue they don't have imunity its cuz they don't want to


I have learned much about anemones, and already had everything they needed. But it was an impulse buy (clowns + anemone=yea!) It was actually an acclimation problem on my part. Anywho, I was just trying to find out about the cyst transfer.


Well, I'v heard that theory before but a more promising theroy commonly told is that because the clownfish have a double think layer of mucus the anemones don't sting them or the anemones stinging cells don't trigger....Either way its because of the mucas


Thanks. I'm mainly thinking about when the cysts to the clowns themselves. And then when the clown hosts in 2 different anem. Because 2 anem. have 2 types of cysts, right?


Active Member
2 different anemones in the same tank is not a good idea, especially with a hosting clown. It will transfer the nemocysts from one anemone to another, thus stinging and hurting it.


New Member
BTA(green), and a long arm(purple tip), in a 45. Iv'e placed them on opposite sides of the tank, and have had no problems. Only one clown. other fish in the tank, but only one nemo