frozen cubes


This is a very basic question, but since there are no directions....
Do you throw them in frozen or let them thaw a little first?
I've tried it both ways and my fish don't seem to care one way or the other.
If I let them totally melt, then they are basically only good for clouding the water.


Active Member
What type of frozen cubes are you refering to? I feed frozen mysis, brine, emerald entree, marine cusine, and a couple of others. I let mine thaw in a glass of ro water, and soak with garlic, and zoe con every couple of days.


I think you talking about more of the blended foods that are in clams, squid, etc. I let if thaw partially and drop it in. That way my puffer will eat it and peices will fly off for my wrasses and angel to get. Don't put it in water first or you'll just have tiny peices. HTH