frozen for a lion

zack schwartz

Active Member
How do I get my lion fish on frozen food?
What did you do. I need help!
I tried putting it in motion on the hang on the backs but he did not eat it!


The first thing is, how long have you had the lionfish? If you have had him for awhile and he has learned to associate you with food, then skip the next bit. If you have had him only a short time, then you need to teach him that you are the source of all things edible! To do this you start feeding him live ghost shrimp. Give him a couple of shrimp, every few days. Once the lionfish comes to the front of the tank, and waits for you to put the shrimp in, you will know you are ready to switch him over.
Stop all feedings for a week. Then offer him a live ghost shrimp followed immediately (as soon as the lion has caught the shrimp and has returned to the surface) with a piece of thawed food. Use a silver spoon to feed him the dead food as the flash of silver will help to stimulate him to strike. Then give him another ghost shrimp. Stop all feedings for 5 days. Repeat the feeding above, only this time, skip the last shrimp and give thawed food instead. After that he should be eating anything that hits the water!
Remember not to overfeed (these guys will eat till they burst!) and don't feed every day. Every two to three days is better for them. Offer them a variety of foods like shrimp, squid, clams, silversides.
Good luck!


Freshwater shrimp are closer (nutrionally wise) to marine foods than ANY freshwater fish. All freshwater fish contain high amounts of fat that marine fish cannot digest. Freshwater shrimp contain only trace amounts of these fats. There was an article in one of the fish magazines about this, I think it might have been FAMA. If you are able to feed live saltwater fish or shrimp, then by all means do so. Most people don't have access to them, or they are too expensive to feed.


If you feed him saltwater fish/shrimp, Is there not a higher chance of disease? <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


Well, yes. That is if you feed the lionfish obviously sick fish or shrimp, then your odds would be greater for the lion to catch the disease. Of course, you wouldn't be feeding him these for very long, because you would still want to wean him over anyways for precisely that reason.