Frozen Mysis vs Frozen Mysis? Which one is more nutritious??


My fishes can eat both. My LFS sells both types too.
But which one has more nutrients?
OR should I do alternative feeding with these two different shrimps?


Active Member
IMO - brine shrimp is the junkfood of saltwater fish. They love it - but from what I understand, not much in the way of nutrition. You can soak the brine in Zoe or another vitamin supplement if you like, or as mentioned just feed mysis and other nutritional foods.
I mix it up often, and feed a large variety of frozen foods. The fish eat darn near anything I give them these days - but they are all on a restricted diet - they don't get much.


I feed mysis shrimp everyday soaked in selcon to my copperband (he won't eat anything else). I feed brineshrimp once a week to the rest of my tank as a "dessert" since it is not nutrional.
I can recommend the mysis definiatly and it's healthy. Just a side note for you:
I found after a few weeks of feeing the mysis my nitrates were starting to go up and couldn't guess why. Turns out you should put some mysis shrimp in a little cup, rinse the shrimp FRESH water (tap water) after they defrost, then put the selcon on the food. Otherwise if you don't rinse the mysis shrimp with fresh water, you're leaving other bacteria's from the food is processed/packaged.
Since I've been doing this procedure my levels are back to normal.