frozen shrimp


New Member
can someone explain to me how the frozen shrimp starts the cycle also how long should I live the shrimp in the tank for does'nt it mess up the mixture or something like that


Active Member
If your using shrimp to cycle your tank you don't want to use frozen shrimp. Go to a grocery store and get shrimp from the meat dept. You want to use that kind of shrimp.


When the shrimp starts to decay, ammonia is a byproduct. Bacteria start growing in the tank that convert ammonia to nitrites.Then another bacteria converts the nitrites to nitrate. That is why people use dead shrimp to start the nitrogen cycle going. You can leave it in there for a few days. Some people leave it in until it is completely gone. I don't know if it matters too much if it is a fresh dead shrimp or a frozen raw shrimp. Basically, you need something to start producing ammonia.


New Member
ok but can I use a damsel to start the cycle also should I add the live rock before or after the cycle or does it really matter when I add it thanks alot
also what is the pros and cons over a damsel and a shrimp


Active Member
Yes you can use a damsel, but in my opinion it is cruel. When you are cycling a tank the ammonia and nitrites are expected to rise to a toxic level and then fall to zero. The Damsel will be living in conditions that are almost poisonous to it.
It may survive - it may not.
You can start the cycle with Live Rock also. How much are you adding?
If you are only adding small amounts of cured Live Rock at a time you can add it anytime. However, if adding a lot at once it may start a mini cycle off due to die off.
If using uncured Live Rock then it will start a mini cycle in the main tank if you put it straight in there.