Frozen test kit


New Member
Last winter my test kit, aquarium pharm, sat out in my garage which isn't heated and I'm sure the liquids of the test kit froze. Does this affect the validity of the tests now? All my test are coming out great and I'm leary that it may be a problem with the test kit.
Thanks for the help!
Happy New Year!


Active Member
I think that would mess with the kit. Furthermore, those kits usually expire after about a year anyway.
Happy new year to you also!! :happyfish


Active Member
yeah throw it out and buy a new one, they lose accuracy over time, some test kits are affected by heat/cold some by light and all by time. I reccomend a new test kit.


Active Member
Yeah, now that I think of it, some test kits actually say "store in an appropriate area without excess heat and cold".