FS: Oceanic 37 cube, stand, canopy, and more!


I'm in Kalamazoo MI and would like pick up only on the tank system, LS, and LR, I will ship the rest at your expense. Email me at tennisgmd@ameritech.net or PM me for pics or if you wanna buy somethin. Thanks-Greg
Tank, stand, custom canopy with 4 inch cooling fan, 250 watt MH retrofit with 14k bulb, and ballast: $400
10 pounds LR, one 5.5 Fiji piece, 4.5 pounds carribean: $3.50 per pound
Livesand: $15
"Quick Cure" ich treatment: $1
Coralife wooden skimmer airstone and accessories: $1
Tap water conditioner: $1
11 pounds agronite finely crushed coral: $5
2 brown stemed bleaced corals, medium-large: $5 each
Large brown sea fan, great for realistic background: $5
Coralife hydrometer: $1
1 Seio 620 powerhead: $20


CMON ANYONE AT ALL?!?!? I'll do $10 for all the livesand, $375 for the tank setup, $3 per pound on the LR, and...maybe discounts on purchases of a lot of the randon stuff from one person.
Thanks. -Greg


Got my levels check by my LFS today...nitrates and nitrites read 0. Amonia was less than 0.25, PH was 8.0 and they didn't test Alk. No real big differences I guess it all depends on how you read the test kit and how good of test kit you have, I have a red sea one and they use a seatest one.
Also when I was at my LFS I picked up some prime reef flakes for food. My feeding plan is becoming more and more confusing as I try to feed as many foods as possible. I think I'm going to feed the Prime reef flakes, formula one pellets, frozen mysis, lugols solution, and DT's. I plan on mixing prime reef, formula 1, and the mysis and feeding those things every other day. On the same day that I feed those foods I'll feed DT's. Then once a week I'll feed lugols solution and hopefully that will be a well rounded diet for my reef. Tell me what you think. Thanks. -Greg


New Member
I am interested in the tank, stand, and glass canopy if you'd part with them for ~200. I'd also take the crushed coral and hydrometer at your stated prices. Do you have any pictures, or could you tell me more about the age and condition of the tank? I might also consider the canopy and lights but not sure. let me know if the stuff is still available! thanks.
ps. I live about 3 hours away but I'm in kalamazoo pretty frequently anyway visiting friends. I don't need the tank right away, so if you needed to hang onto it for a couple months or until you sell off the rest of the rock and sand that is ok with me.


OK I would sell you the tank and stand for 200 but I don't have the glass canopy anymore and if I sold you that stuff I'd have to find a buyer for the canopy and light first to make sure I don't sell the tank and get stuck with those for ever. I'll let you know if I find a buyer for the canopy.


New Member
If you send me some pictures, especially a picture of the whole setup with the canopy on it and all then i could let you know if I liked the canopy also. I've been looking everywhere for a 37 gallon in fact I looked at 3 stores in k-zoo this weekend, so I am really very interested. I'll send you an email.


Email me at tennisgmd@ameritech.net and I'll reply with pics. Your profile won't let me. Also If you're interested and were willing to buy the whole setup for 400 I'd throw in the LS, agronite, hydrometer, and some quick cycle stuff...and more depending on what you wanted.


New Member
I am thinking.. I really want the stand and tank, but have never been a fan of the super tall canopies.. I will get back with you by the end of the night though.
Is there any possible way you would sell me the tank and stand for $200, separate out the retro and the hood and sell the retro separately to someone? I noticed people were asking for the retro on your other thread and i am almost positive you could get $200 for a 250 watt retro kit. also I would still be willing to buy the aragonite and hydrometer for what you were asking in the first post of the thread.


I'll have to get back with you later if you don't want the canopy...I really wanted to get someone to buy the whole thing. Also I can't sell you the hydrometer for the posted price. That was a different hydrometer and already sold this one is almost brand new. LMK what you decide whenever you decide. Thanks. -Greg


New Member
alright well, i guess as a student i just can't rationalize the $400 for everything when all i really want is the tank and stand and i already had other lights picked out... but if you eventually decide to sell the tank and stand separately from the hood let me know! thanks.


OK I'll sell them separate but I'd liek to get the hard part (selling the canopy and lights) out of the ay first so if anyone wants to buy the retrofit, light bulb, ballast, and canopy for $175 then I'll sell the tank and stand to you. I'll let you know wheter I sell the canopy or not.


New Member
okay, sounds good. just drop me an email whenever you sell the lights and hood or whenever you would be willing to sell me the tank and stand and we'll set something up.


O what the heck if you want it for sure I can just sell it to you now...that is if you buy some other stuff too! lol LMK if you want it now and I can do 200 out the door and if you want other stuff liek sand hydrometer or whatever else just let me know and we c an work that out too. O and if you want the hydrometer it'll be 5 bucks...thats 1/3 of the price I paid for it 2 weeks ago and I'll need to know if you want that as soon as you know because I gotta order a refractometer.