fshhub, so far, the experiment failed


fshhub, remember we talked awhile back about getting a smaller cleaner shrimp for my clown so he'll go near the shrimp? So today I got a smaller one, smaller than my sebae at least. When I first put him in, I told my clown, "C'mon introduce yourself", and immidiately it approaches it :) (Not kidding). So far so good right? Wrong, the cleaner shrimp runs away, it's intimidated by the clown's size. Well, so far that's it. We'll see probably in couple of days, the shrimp will have the guts to do the sebae. I'll keep you posted.


Active Member
i advised you to get a smaller cleanerr??
which post, i don't remember advising anything on shrimp and size
because he size of a cleaner doesn't matter, help me out, are you sure i was not talking about something else, being smaller, especially latelly i have been having probs with these posts, apparently sammy has too, but if you give more details, maybe refresh my memory or i can help some, just point me to the right thread, and i'll reread it
oh yeah, maybe in aday or 2, though the clown and shrimp will take to each other, good luck


Yeah, the other day I got a big cleaner shrimp, it was bigger than my fish. I thought my fish had parasites on him, because he was scrathing itself, so I got him a cleaner shrimp. But my fish won't go near the shrimp, and I posted a msg asking will getting a smaller cleaner shrimp helps, and you said, you've been questioning yourself the same question, at least at that time. So yeah, that's what happened, and yeah I'm pretty sure it was you. I posted the msg in the diseased page, and most likely, it's under "IS MY CLOWN SICK" or "BLACK SPOTS ON THE TAIL" or in the reef page under "DOES SIZE MATTER?" something like that.
Even if it wasn't you, there's an update, my fish loves his new cleaner shrimp. He goes near him more often. He even let the shrimp picks up parasites off the inside of its mouth. I guess size does matter after all :D .


Active Member
now, with t bit more detail, i do remember he discussion, can't remember exactly if it was me, or not, but i do remember it and am pretty sure i would have said something like that, thinking that maybe the cleaner being bigger than the clown was maybe intimidating the clown(probably was me, i think goofy like that sometimes, so goofy i can't remember it being logical without all the details, LOL), even though it may kinda make sense(given all the specifics)
but anyway, i am glad to hear it and in anycase cleaners do much better in pairs anyhow, so it definitely did not hurt, you will probably notice the other one coming out more too, unless you got fish that actually go after them
TANKS for the update


actually the other one died, remember because of the heater broke. Steamed shrimp to go, anyone? Yeah so now, I only have one.


Active Member
man that is expensive steamed shrimp, sorry to hear that, and sorry that i didn't remember right away; but i read almost every post, some i can't help with and others i may need time to think about and some don't need anymore said, but i do read almost every one, so sometimes i have a prob remebering exact ones, but i am glad to hear that your new one is doing fine, and that your clown seems to like the lil feller


No problem fshhub, it's amazing how you can manage your time to read almost every posts. About the steamed shrimp, yes it was expensive, though my friend got it for my Christmas present, so in a way it didn't hurt as much :D .
The new one, however, is not as active as the other one. It hides a lot, and does not have the ability to swim as strong as the other one. I used to be able to feed the old one because it would swim up and get the food, but this one will swim up half-way and falls down. Should I worry about its diet? Or not, because it will survive eating the parasites and scavenges his way through the sand bed?
Alright, thanks again for your help. I really appreciate it.


Active Member
he will find food, but if you want to feed him directly you can use a turkey baster, we use one to feed our scooter blenny to get food down to her before everyone else eats it all uup(and our cardinal), just when you feed frozen or fresh, get a NEW and unwashed turkey baster(only like 2 or 3 $, no tmuch) and give little shot of stuff near the lil feller, then watch him eat, jsu tdon't give a whooooosh when you do it with shrimp you'll for sure scare the devil outta him, just a lilooze out, your clown will probably get used to the idea(of the turkey baster being food), but he, he can eat too, right?
oh and about my time, igotta alot(time) and broadband, so it actually doesnt'take long