

i got a 75 gal fowlr what do you use dsb or
cc, because i can't make my mind up what
to use, i currently have cc, all of my fish are in the hospital,so i'm wonderin if i should go with dsb?


definnitely goe with a dsb the cc will get ammonia trapped underneath it and with a dsb it will not+dsb's are a lot of help as far as filtration goes


Active Member
got a dsb, we did have cc in our 40, at first, but the 75 with a dsb and lr is much easier to care for by far,
we have 110 lbs of lr and a 4 inch dsb, and all we use in it for filtration is that and lotsa circualtion, no filters, no skimmer an it is by far the easiest tank we've had to maintain, we even do less work than our old fw tank, only small weekly water changes(my wife is afraid to give them up, maybe someday we'll cut back)_
I'm sold on the dsb 100%,
and if you are questioning it now, i would do it now, being in your position, because it will be much easier to do now than later,MUCH