fu man chu lion


Active Member
does this lion only get to 4 inches like they say here on swf or is it a misprint also what would be better in a 75 gallon tank the fu or a dwarf


yah, they only get to be about 4-5 in. a 75 would be great for one, but be careful. fumanchu lions sometimes refuse food and die and i have had a few friends who were unsuccessful with them. It is a really nice fish to keep, but most do not adapt well to the home aquarium.


I agree with ozzfan84 they only get 5 in, and from what I have read and seen they can be hard to get to eat anything but live food, don't get one that has been fed live very hard if at all to get to switch, and live food does not have everything they need. Have you lfs feed it for you before you buy it that way you will know, also find out what they feed it that will make it easier for you. Good Luck


They can get up to 15 in so IMO a 75 would work for awhile but if you wanted to put anything else in there could be problem because the lion uses alot of space. Good Luck