Fu Manchu vs Fuzzy Dwarf



I have a 55gal with a chain eel and amy new addition.....Stripey! My striped puffer! Iam thinking about getting a lion. What lion has a great personality Fu Manchu or fuzzy dwarf lion?? Whats better? I love the colors on the Fu Manch.


I use to have a fu man chu. He was great most ppl say they are hard to get to eat but mine did fine for like 3 yrs til I added a trigger and he ate the lions spines off his back and killed him.


They are both tough to get to eat. Fuzzies are really nice, most of the time. It all depends on the certain personality of that particular fish though. Whichever species u want, u should get. Fu manchus are really cool, but so are fuzzy dwarfs. Fus, though, are more.. "exotic" in a sense. It would be something not as common, u know? Watch out for that puffer though, he might try to nip the lions fins and spines. "MIGHT".:D


Active Member
Fuzzy dwarf lions arent tough to get to eat, people just aren't patient enough to do it the right way.