FUBAR of the day


New Member
Finished a 20% water change .... used the LFS's pre-mixed saltwater... didn't check the salinity of their mixture because i ASSumed they had it mixed properly.... next day... all of my invertebrates have met their maker, however the fish are surviving... I don't even want to talk about the corals... the salinity reading is off the scale!!! Lord have mercy on my poor tank.:(
Lesson learned I guess.:eek:

nm reef

Active Member
Takes a big person to admit to that...sorry to hear about the loss. Hopefully the corals ...or at least some of them...recover.
I always mix my own water and insure temp/PH/salinity are as close as possible to the systems levels before performing a water change.
Any sudden swings in PH/temp/salinity can indeed prove fatal.


well it reallly isnt the fish stores fault, they didnt do anything wrong, but it wouldnt hurt for them to warn u that they kept their salinity high. im with NM reef on mixing my own saltwater. i use instant ocean, it tells u about how much to put in. also, would only a 10 percent water change cause a huge change in ph or temp at all?