Fuge dilemmas. Suggestions?


I am thinking about adding a refugium. I may have too many limitations though.
My tank is a 36g corner. The only place I can put a fuge would be in the stand.
Here are the dimensions of the inside of the stand - 13x10x24.
I was hoping to get a 10 gallon tank but the standard tank sizes are 20x10x12.
Can you put a skimmer in a fuge? If so, I have a CPR Bak-Pak 2R so I need the tank to be at least 12" tall.
Any suggestions?
Build one out of plexiglass. Its pretty easy to work with and looks great when youre done. Also you could use a rubbermade container


Great idea. I do want to put my hang-on skimmer (eye-sore) in it, do I need to do anything special? Or is a simple box shape ok?