I need all you guys brillant minds to help me design a fuge/sump set up. I have a 55 gal tank and want to put my extra 10 gallon tank underneath and start a fuge. I want to put my skimmer and HOB filter in the sump to clean up my DT. What my goal is with this is to increase my water volume, have a small fuge to grow pods with LR and sand in it and chatoe, and assist with the filtration of my DT tank. Now I have a Emperor 400 HOB, seaclone skimmer which I know everyone hates but I love mine and it works great! I want to do this as cheaply as possible since my budget is very small but I already have alot of the equipment. SO I want too put my filter and skimmer in the fuge and grow the above. Could someone give me some drawings showing how to build it with baffles and placement and the feed and return lines? I will be using an overflow box also. Hope someone can help and thanks in advance!