fuge in 14 gal biocube


I would like to add a fuge in chamber 2 of my biocube. does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to set it up. I plan on keeping DSH's so i would like to have a good place to have pods. I already have a good supply in the tank but I am assuming they wont last long once the ponies are in. Any other suggestions or advice is always appriciated.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lulabulla
I would like to add a fuge in chamber 2 of my biocube. does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to set it up. I plan on keeping DSH's so i would like to have a good place to have pods. I already have a good supply in the tank but I am assuming they wont last long once the ponies are in. Any other suggestions or advice is always appriciated.
Gosh....I've never set up a fuge. I probably should though. Here's a little internal fuge I like:


oohhh.. that is nice i think i will def. get one like that for a 10 gal. tank i want to set up in the near future.
as for the tank i have, the chamber in the back is perfect for one it just needs a little modifying. i have an idea of how to do it but not a 100% sure.
i know i would have to provide light for the chaeto in the back and from reading here about the o2 levels it seems like a good idea to do it that way so i can set up a reverse schedual for the lighting, that way there is still good levels at night and not only during the day. so the fuge has 2 great benefits for my DSH tank.
pods and oxygen :)
i hope i got all the info right. thanks for all the help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lulabulla
oohhh.. that is nice i think i will def. get one like that for a 10 gal. tank i want to set up in the near future.
as for the tank i have, the chamber in the back is perfect for one it just needs a little modifying. i have an idea of how to do it but not a 100% sure.
i know i would have to provide light for the chaeto in the back and from reading here about the o2 levels it seems like a good idea to do it that way so i can set up a reverse schedual for the lighting, that way there is still good levels at night and not only during the day. so the fuge has 2 great benefits for my DSH tank.
pods and oxygen :)
i hope i got all the info right. thanks for all the help.
Sounds great
Top end prime pony real estate!!!
So what's your idea for the fuge setup?


i want to make a fuge for some cheato. for 2 main reasons.. 1~ more oxygen at night. i will be running a night light schedule which i learned here is a big YES. & 2~ i want to seed with pods for the ponies.
This is my goal with it anyway. if there are any suggestions im always ears!
thanks a bunch