fuge in sump/ with protein skimmer


I guess Im bored so I decided to build a new sump and want to add a fuge in it:
If the fuge is in the sump will my protein skimmer remove any of the good stuff, food source ect.
I will divide the sump , its 36 long by 17 high by 12 wide.
the first 10 inches will be for the fuge ( 15in high ) then step it down inch or two for skimmer area( aqua c120 ) then the last section will be for the return pump and the uv pump.
will the level of water stay the same with or without the dividers)
what I mean is right now my sump is a 20 gal no dividers and the water level is maintain at eight inches so if the pumps shut off there will be enough room for over flow. sump is 12 inches right now. new sump is 17 high.
well I hope I explain it ok
new fish