Fuge Setup in back of Oceanic Biocube 29 - Any ideas?


Hey guys, I'm getting a Biocube 29 in my baby boys nursery and wanted to see if anyone out there had any experience (or luck) with setting up the back of the cube as a fuge. I've heard its possible and a good alternative to trickle filtration with bio-balls & filter media. I'm going for as natutral a set up as possible.
Anyone have any advice or better yet, pics of their own set ups? Again, I would like to set up the fuge in the space behind the tank where you normally would place the bio-balls and filter media, not as an entirely external setup.
Thanks in advance for any tips and pics.


Check out the other post under Nano Tanks, look for:
Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?
Lots of useful info.....


Thanks Sprieto, He's got a pretty amazing tank. Theres a lot of "less than useful" information to wade through on the boards regarding Biocubes, thanks for the directions.


Yeah....lots of info out there....some good....some very opinion based.
I actually am setting up a 29 gallon bio cube too....
I had questions on how deep of a sand bed (decided on shallow 1 - 2 inch, as opposed to deep), removing the bioballs, etc.....
I am going to go with a modified version of Spanko's set up....
Good luck with yours!!!


Thanks man, yeah I'm doing a 2" sand bed in mine, I'm always wary about going deeper than that. Its worked fine in all my other tanks so why mess with a good thing.
I'll probably put about 30lbs of live rock from a local guy who does aquacultured LR in the Fl Keys (live rock USA). I have his rock in my other tanks and it's great. Good shapes, lots of coraline and goodies on it and the prices are good. Plus since its aquacultured you don't have to worry about people thrashing a living reef somewhere to get it.
I'll do the sump set up like Spankos w the Chaeto and no bio-balls and will try to find a way to run Purigen & ChemiPure back there as well. For now I'm just going to run the stock lights. I like the fact that it has individual plugs so you can set up your own lighting scedule. I just plan on keeping some fish, shrooms and softies so the 72W x gallon it comes with is enough. Down the road maybe I'll do an LED upgrade but I want to wait the pricing out a bit.
Looking forward to getting it started. Good luck on yours too. If you get some time I'd love to see some pics of the progress. I'll see if I can post some of mine once I get it going. It arrives on Wed and I have to get a stand so it'll be a bit. good luck!