

Active Member
hey all here is a couple pics of the fuge the lights are on low for the pic its a 29 gallon tank it has 7.5 watts per gallon.Tell me what you think
I dont get fuges..........do you just put anti-trates in the fuge and run pumps in and out of it?
I have a ten gallon laying around and maybe I can put it under my 55


Active Member
no macro-algae is a plant that sucks nitrates phospates and some silicates out of the water throught the plants for them to grow.And you also have a dsb in it to also help with the nitrates and to complete the nitrogen cycle.


Active Member
thanks then it was on low it has a 150 watt halogen and a 65 watt light also for atotal around 7.6 wpg

reef fool

Active Member
Hey Logan,
Make sure you use a power head on that overflow. I lost siphon while on vacation and my neighbor still hates me for it! Hope it is working out for you. When my macro is ready to thin out, I'm gonna send you a little care package(if you want).


Active Member
thanks AFTRHRS im working out a detrivore deal with bang guy to kick start my system and to help clean the bed i have no pods right now:( but i soon will hopefully:D


if that is in your stand please make sure that that 150 watt halogen isnt one of the kind that get hot... they have started tons and tons of fires, and i know now its actually getting hard to find them in some places. i can only imagine the heat output if it is enclosed.
or maybe you got a new one that runs nice and cool?
it looks awesome... question though, why does your water look so greenish?