Full tank or too much?


Active Member
Ok after some trial and error, I think I finally have my list for my 240g FOWLR. Let me know if this is too much or any potential others you'd add.
Snowflake Moray Eel
Volitan Lionfish
Yellow Tang
Blond Naso Tang
Harlequin Tusk
Queen Angel
Goldentail Moray - Yellow morph (aka Canary / Banana Eel)
Is this too much?
I already have all but the Tusk, Naso, and Golden Eel in 2 different tanks.
Any room or recommendations for others or is this way enough, or even too much?


Active Member
no, that tank has room for probably 2 more good size fish. i dono what would be good, just something agressive enough to fend for itself in there. also the rule of thumb (for an established tank of at least 6 months) is 1 inch of fish for every 2 gallons. this rule probably doesnt apply as much for an eel becasue its long and thin, but for a thicker, "fatter" fish may count for more than a thin fish does. by my guestimate you have the equivelent of 50 inches of fish in your tank so you would be safe to add more


Active Member
Thought it was 1" for every 5g of Saltwater? If there is room for 1-2 more, any suggestions?


plenty of room for what i have been told. The fish you have on your list are great. awesome! when you get them be sure to send some pics.


Active Member
Would a Trigger put it over the top? If not which one would NOT pose a risk to my Lion.
Niger, Blue Throat,Riggens?
Or possibly a Sohal Tang.
Too much attitude?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 95Harley
Would a Trigger put it over the top? If not which one would NOT pose a risk to my Lion.
Niger, Blue Throat,Riggens?
Or possibly a Sohal Tang.
Too much attitude?
blue throat would probably be your best bet. definately not the niger. Not sure what a Riggens is
I think the blue throat would generally behave better than a sohal and stay smaller too.


Active Member
ya a quote from saltwater aquariums for dummies (not exact quote, just rephrasing) "in a well established tank of at least 6 months, it is ok to have 1" of fish per 2 gal"


Originally Posted by 95Harley
Thought it was 1" for every 5g of Saltwater? If there is room for 1-2 more, any suggestions?
I believe the rule is 1 inch per 4 gallons during the establishment 1-6 month period.... after that having 1 inch per two gallons is acceptable.
Right now I have a 2 inch clown, royal gramma and sixline, for 6 inches. A 36 gallon tank will support that... I estimate they will grow an extra inch each for a total of 9 within a few years, which is still roughly half of the (1 inch per 2 gallon) rule.


I have also been told 1 inch per 5 gallons. I think that was before some of the advances...when I first got into this stuff (about 7 years ago) protein skimmers were just becoming main stream. I heard 1 inch per 5 gallons back then and it stuck....Im sure it will be a beautiful tank.


Originally Posted by 95Harley
So any suggestions for a final fish? Will a Sohal work, other suggestions welcomed.
Sohal gets pretty big. I have one that's about 8-10" in a 180, big eater and crapper, good fish - I'm thinking he may need a bigger tank (gives me a reason to upgrade).
I'm not sure how old because I bought him off of someone else.


Active Member
I now have the Golden Moray...so just the Naso and Tusk to add over the next two months.
That last fish option has be stumped...here are some I like:
Sohal Tang - Possibly too mean & Big (bio load)
Majestic Angel - Not sure about it and the Queen Angel (War?)
Niger Trigger - Not sure about it and the Lion's Fins
Porkfish - Just not sure I want another BIG fish (Bio Risk)
Auriga (Threadfin) Butterfly - Too Fragile?
Shoal of Chromis - Lionfish food?
Any help.....Pro's/Con's? Other cool fish I have missed?


It's kind of hard to follow that formula when you figure in an Eel. They are so long but really won't have the same bio load on the tank as a FISH his same lenght.
Originally Posted by CGJ
I believe the rule is 1 inch per 4 gallons during the establishment 1-6 month period.... after that having 1 inch per two gallons is acceptable.


Originally Posted by 95Harley
I now have the Golden Moray...so just the Naso and Tusk to add over the next two months.
That last fish option has be stumped...here are some I like:
Sohal Tang - Possibly too mean & Big (bio load)
Majestic Angel - Not sure about it and the Queen Angel (War?)
Niger Trigger - Not sure about it and the Lion's Fins
Porkfish - Just not sure I want another BIG fish (Bio Risk)
Auriga (Threadfin) Butterfly - Too Fragile?
Shoal of Chromis - Lionfish food?
Any help.....Pro's/Con's? Other cool fish I have missed?
IMO I would let the sohal be the last addition to the tank. (Territorial)
They are a great looking fish

shark bait

I have a 330g and mine looks full due to the activity and rock but i have 1"=10g this should give me room to add more. My thought is the rule 1"=5g is all on the type of fish and bio load the tank can take. My tank is set up for a shark and is rated at over 500g in the sump, bio media ect. My turn over in about 6 times and hour. These thing are what make the rule of thumb just that. If you have the set up you could add more. Lets say you added a messy fish, a puffer ( not a good idea for you, but for this point lets say you did) the puffer would leave a mess after chow time and cause a larger bio waste. if you had a system that could take it, and them som you might be able to add another fish after the puffer. if not this fish I would count as 2 fish due to its habits.
Now if you added 4 yellow tangs all about 3-4 inches that would take the same bio load as the puffer.
what it comes down to is no rule of thumb is true for every tank, and each fish has its place in a tank. the question is what fish are a must have and work off the list and plan it out with the above in mind.
Godd luck
my 2 cents. Jumbo marron clown, and or a lunare wrasse


Active Member
Jumbo Maroon is do able as I have one in my 75, but wouldn't the Lunar and the Tusk have a small war?
I have always liked them, so if it could work that would be a great last fish.