Fun And A Surprising Amount Of Depth


New Member
Supernatural DVD follows Sam and Dean as they set off on a quest to find their missing father. The journey is anything but typical as the brothers were raised to be fighters of all things demonic, and the path to their father leads through all manner of ghastly things. The trip turns out to be one where the two will learn things about each other, even though they thought they knew it all. They find new friends, and make enemies who will shadow their moves right through to the shocking climax.
The show takes the some of the mystery of the X-Files and a bit of the humor of Angel and gives us a refreshing take on the horror television show. I can honestly say that while it does feel reminiscent of those other shows, it still has a freshness to it.
Some of the things that I really liked about the show, at least initially, were elements of window dressing. I loved the old Impala with the trunk full of knives, guns, and holy water, I loved the use of classic rock and roll, and I loved the references to rock and other shows. I loved the use of names like Agents Ford and Hamill, Dr. Hetfield, John Bonham, Mulder and Scully, and the rest.