Fun time ... identify what you can see ...


Active Member
If you get them all (except snails and crabs), you win a "pat on the back". One fish may be hard to get becaus he turned everytime I took a picture.


Active Member
need a closer up pic, but I can see:
a skunk cleaner shrimp
a royal gramma
a yellow shrimp goby
a domino damsel (I think there may be 2 of these, not sure)
a leather coral
what look like it could be two sets of xenia
what looks like zoos (close to the shrimp)
some mushrooms on the top left
a maxi jet powerhead above the mushrooms
the fish close to the shrimp looks like either a talbot damsel or some sort of cardinal, or possibly some type of anthia....need a better pic
the greenish looking fish on the right, I have no idea of.
if I had a better pic of those two fish, I could tell
this is actually a fun game, I might take a pic of my tank and see if you can guess.


Active Member
I know the pic isn't great but there are 7 fish shown. The greenish thing is actually a neon candy cane coral. The fish that really can't be identified is under the bottom power head on the far right. I won't tell what it is now...I will take a better pic since I am about to fead and they will all come out. I wish my MIA pistol shrimp would come out!!!


Active Member
yes, take a closer pic. the fish below the powerhead is the one I have no clue on.
the one beside the shrimp, I have a clue on but need a better pick.
tell me, there are 2 domino damsels correct?


Active Member
Couldn't get a great pic showing everything because they were going crazy over the food..but here is a much better pic of the candy cane coral and hard to identify fish.


Active Member
Not sure about bi-color but I know it's a female. Thanks for checking it out Pontius, hopefully I can show better pictures months from now when everything is bigger.