fungus and dead clown



My clown fish just died:( :( This morning when I got up he looked very ill and I know he had some type of fungus. I treated with Marycyn2 -but guess I was too late. One quick ? I have is - when you treat with this type of med - do I leave my protein skimmer on? The LFS said to turn it off because it will act crazy, but I want a second opinion. Thanks!


Staff member
Did you use the maracyn2, which is an antibiotic, in your display tank? If so, hopefully it was a fish-only tank.
How long did you have the clownfish, and what were the symptoms?
As for the skimmer.....better not to medicate your main tank, else everything might start acting crazing.


I am definitely learning the hard way. I've had the clown for about 5 months. He's been great. But I bought a tang a week ago - he died 2 days after I got him. I started the maracyn2 that day, but it was too late. So I stopped and then everyone got ich.. I treated for that Friday and Saturday. Then today the clown was sick. He had red spots and his mouth looked white and swollen - he couldn't shut it. Same as the tang. LFS thought it was mouth rot and suggested the Maracyn2.
So yes, I have treated the whole tank (I don't have a QT) and I do have 2 anemone's. One is a carpet - whom the clown had a great relationship with. What do you suggest I do now?
Okay - woke up this AM and everyone left looks better. My puffer had cloudy eyes yesterday. I have two questions - should I continue to medicate with maracyn (day #2) AND should I turn the skimmer back on?


Staff member
You absolutely can not put antibiotics or any medications in a REEF tank. Do large water changes with aged water until you have replaced all of your water. Also, if you have carbon filtration, use it now.
If you want to keep a reef tank, particualarly one with anemones, you must decide: either get a QT for fish, or don't have fish.
Take a look at the FAQ thread above on QT info.


Thanks Beth,
And I got your message on the other thread too. I will limit it to one thread from now on. I will start a water change immediately -and may be able to take the anemone to the LFS for safe keeping too. What do you mean by aged water though?
P.S. I will invest in a QT tank for sure. Is a 10 gal big enough?


I have attached a pic of my sick puffer. Maybe you can tell me what's wrong and how to treat by this? I took my anemones to LFS - they are safe (I hope)


Staff member
There is nothing you can do to treat that puffer in a REEF tank. You just can not put antibiotics into a reef. BTW: pufferfish and reeftanks are really not compatible. They will feast on the things you wish to keep in the reef and will generally be a bit messy resulting in organic levels in the reef just reaching levels that are not accommodating to good reef-keeping.
By aged water, I mean that the water has been allowed to mix thoroughly for at least 48 hrs [a wk is better] before adding it to the tank. Never put freshly mixed salt water into a tank. The must be thoroughly mixed, dissolved.
Is that fish’s eyes just cloudy or is one of them actually popped out? You need to get a QT. As far as size of QT, it depends a lot on the size of the fish that are going to be in the QT. If you buy small fish then a 20gal would be nice. That is what I have.
Post up your water readings: ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, pH.
Describe your setup, filters, sand you are using….etc.


I am using a UGF (I am planning on changing this to wet/dry this week) with crushed coral. I have two 802 powerheads and a Seaclone protein skimmer. I am also going to change to sand after I get the wet/dry set up for about 6 weeks. (This was advice given through this forum).
I understand now about the Reef tank and the only things left in the tank is about 15 pounds of live rock, a puffer fish, a grouper, a snowflake eel and a damsel. I plan to get a QT, but do not have one at this time.
My ph is 8.4, Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 30. I know I need to do a water change.
The puffer's eyes are not popped out. They are slightly cloudy and have a few white spots on them. The biggest thing is that his mouth looks swollen?? He can't close it. He is still eating though and I have already treated the tank with 5 tablets of Maracyn2 for 2 days per the advice from LFS. (I have a 55gal).
After a water change, do you think I should continue with the Maracyn2? BTW the grouper and other fish look fine.
Thanks again!!


Staff member

Originally posted by iluvfish
I am using a UGF (I am planning on changing this to wet/dry this week) with crushed coral. I have two 802 powerheads and a Seaclone protein skimmer. I am also going to change to sand after I get the wet/dry set up for about 6 weeks. (This was advice given through this forum).
Ok, what I think you really need to do right now is stop and think about what you want to do with your tank. Do you want a reef tank? Do you want a fish only tank with live rock? Seriously, you seem you want to go with both, including fish that are just not compatible with reefs. Like having eels and pufferfish, but also wanting anemones, etc. You must make a decision. In a reef tank, the emphasis is on inverts and corals, not fish. Yes, you can have fish---fish that are considered reef safe—not eels and pufferfish. So, here, I think you need to seriously consider what you want to do.
Also, if you want a reef tank, forget about that wet-dry system. Wet-drys do not provide adequate export of nitrates, thus, what you have is a tank with high nitrate. Nitrate is not compatible with reef tanks. The goal for a reef tank, is zero or only trace nitrate. Besides, there are much better filtration methods to use for reefs [that are a lot more fun and rewarding then a mechanical filter]. If you want an aggressive setup however, with only aggressive fish and live rock, then you can go with the wet-dry. You need to make up your mind and not make costly premature purchases of products you don’t need and might find useless later on.
I understand now about the Reef tank and the only things left in the tank is about 15 pounds of live rock, a puffer fish, a grouper, a snowflake eel and a damsel. I plan to get a QT, but do not have one at this time.
If all you have is 15 lbs of LR, then find a temporary home for your LR. A Rubbermaid container with a powerhead will do. Do hyposalinity in your main tank with all your fish in it. Go to the FAQ section, and check out the post there on hyposalinity. You need at least a glass hydrometer, or, preferably, a refractometer. This procedure will really benefit the fish, even if they don’t have ich.
My ph is 8.4, Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 30. I know I need to do a water change.
If you begin hyposalinity, that will be enough for water changes. Use good quality dechlorinated water---are you using RO or bottled water? Be sure to check pH as hyposaline water tends to lower pH fast. You will want to check on this 2xs a day.

The puffer's eyes are not popped out. They are slightly cloudy and have a few white spots on them. The biggest thing is that his mouth looks swollen?? He can't close it. He is still eating though and I have already treated the tank with 5 tablets of Maracyn2 for 2 days per the advice from LFS. (I have a 55gal).
Tell me what you are seeing on the fish, or any of the fish. Is it ich, or just cloudy eyes? Rapid breathing? Slime on skin? Swollen gills? Get a magnifying glass out and spend 30 mins looking at your fish. Provide us with All details. Fins, mouth, gills. Then report back on any abnormality, discoloration, odd behavior, stress symptoms, etc. Is there something in the puffer’s mouth? What have you feed this fish? Live foods??

After a water change, do you think I should continue with the Maracyn2? BTW the grouper and other fish look fine.
No more med until we can decide what the problem is.


If you puffer can't close his mouth, he may have lock jaw. I have had 2 puffers and both got it. The first happened within 6 mo and the second just happened and I have had that puffer for over 3 years. I don't think it can be treated unless you have a saltwater specialist in your area.


Staff member
Perhaps lock jaw, but I believe he just got this puffer recently? How old is your puffer? Notice that the puffer's teeth protrude overly much? Or is there a bump or irritated spot that you can see at the top of the mouth [where over grown teerth are trying to push through]?


Thanks for all the advice you guys. Actually - the puffer was looking much better yesterday morning and even better this AM. He is eating like a horse and is closing his mouth now. His eyes are still very slightly cloudy, but he is definitely feeling better. I thought I'd go ahead with the hyposalinity per Beth's advice anyway. It won't hurt right? I am using RO water (have to haul it from town).
Beth, I obviously didn't get very good advice from the LFS who said that I can keep all of these types of fish together. I am going to start over as soon as I get these guys better. Here is my plan -- I am going to take everything back to LFS, except LR. I plan on a reef tank, so I am going to start over with about 80-90lbs of live rock and live sand 2-3 inches. I am going to get rid of the UGF and was planning on using a wet/dry along with the protein skimmer I already have and the powerheads. Then slowly, I will add back my inverts (who are already at the LFS) and stick to fish that are compatible. What did you mean that I shouldn't get a wet/dry though? What do you recommend??
I am also going to purchase new lighting. I'm thinking of this set:
But I'm not sure if it will fit my present lid. My tank has two separate lids with a bar that separates them on top and then of course the 2 regular lights. Do you think the lights I'm looking at will work on the lids that I currently have?
Anymore suggestions - please let me know. I plan on doing it right this time. Thanks again!


Staff member
Question: I thought I'd go ahead with the hyposalinity per Beth's advice anyway. It won't hurt right? I am using RO water (have to haul it from town).
Yes, hyposalinity would be a good thing to do at this point and will benefit the fish. Be sure to start adding shelled foods for your puffer. He needs to keep those teeth filed down otherwise his teeth will go thru his head!
Question: What did you mean that I shouldn't get a wet/dry though? What do you recommend??
Wet-drys are adequate filters for fish only tanks or fish only tanks with live rock because the organic bioload [fish urine, feces, an abundance of food scrapes, etc., needs a powerful filter to “export”—remove—the waste from the tank system. The wet-dry does that very well up until you get to the export of nitrates [also a waste byproduct]. Here is where the wet-dry falls short. It does not remove the nitrates, thus your tank, set up with these filters, tends to be high-nitrate. I personally don’t believe that nitrates are ok for fish [particularly tangs] but it seems to be an accepted premise in the hobby that some nitrate is ok for fish. I very much disagree, but whatever. However, no one argues that nitrate at any level is not good for reef tanks. Inverts, particularly corals, can not tolerate organically rich environments [nitrates] thus we strive to have zero nitrates in our tanks, or, at least only trace amts. Thus no wet-dry in the reef tank. Instead, make a self sustaining system. Your live rock and sand can be your filters and this is the best way to go, IMO….and most advanced hobbyists opinion too. If you would like to add more filtration to your tank….again make it natural. Instead of a wetdry under the tank make a refugium, or a sump that has more live sand and some LR in it. Trust me, this is what you want, not wet-dry. Don’t make more mistakes here in setting up your reef. I would go with at least a 4 inch deep sand bed [you already said you want 3” so just add at least 1 more inch. I have a 6” sand bed and this is really ideal for what I think you want to achieve here.
Question: I am also going to purchase new lighting. I'm thinking of this set:
But I'm not sure if it will fit my present lid. My tank has two separate lids with a bar that separates them on top and then of course the 2 regular lights. Do you think the lights I'm looking at will work on the lids that I currently have?
You have to measure the space you have for whatever lighting fixture you choose and see what you have left AFTER you take into consider whatever stuff you have taking up space on the top of your tank [such as a skimmer]. If you choose to forget about the wetdry and, instead go with a sump, then you can move your skimmer to the sump leaving all the space you need on the top of your tank for your lighting fixture. If you are not going to have a sump and just have the tank set up, then you must make allowances for the space that is taken up by whatever equipment is hanging off the top of your tank. What you are looking at is good, but you will not be able to keep high-light inverts such as anemones and sps corals. Medal Halide lighting is required for that.
As for links, store links are not allowed here. What you can do is describe your lighting, or whatever, or provide the name brand with dimensions, etc.
Question: Anymore suggestions - please let me know. I plan on doing it right this time.
Your fish will be in hyposalinity now for a month. Do you have a refractometer? Get one. They are the best thing you can have to measure salinity. You can get one pretty cheap on ----. During this month, spend as much time as you possibly can here reading up on reefs. Get books, particularly look for Robert Fernner’s, “The Conscientious Marine Aquaritst”.


I have a refractometer and I just ordered that book on Monday - should be here any day. Thanks for your help!