Fungus, Bacterial infection???


Seems like whenever I add new fish to my main tank (after quarantine), spots start appearing on their fins. White but not all the same shape or size. My coral beauty had it at first then it just went away. All of my chromis had it, also went away. Now my Naso, just added, has it. I had been feeding garlic occasionally so I really don't know if it went away on it's own or if the garlic had something to do with it. Has anyone ever heard of this or experienced it? I'm just trying to find out what's up....
125g FOWLR, crushed coral, wet/dry, UV sterilizer, and a whisper filter on the back of the tank.


Staff member
Well please describe the appearance of the disease more, and the symptoms of the fish. I am thinking it may be velvet, but it could be ick.
Need more details.


Just on his fins. Doesn't seem to affect the behavior of the fish. They look like mucous or something. All the spots are not uniform in size, some bigger, some smaller. They are not all round either. Fins appear to be a bit cloudy. If it was ick, wouldn't have gotten worse by now?


Staff member
So what do you do about the spots? Do they just go away on there own? I'm thinking that it may be some secretion triggered by something in your tank? It seems rather strange that this happens AFTER you have done QT.
Slime usually means a bacterial problem, but you usually don't see this starting on fins.


Thanks for your concern Beth. So far I've done nothing about it. Just goes away on its own. Looks better today, but still there. I guess "secretion" is a good way to describe it. The fish all seem healthy enough to fight it off on their own. I'm just baffled as to what it is. Thought you guys might have an easy answer.


Staff member
LOL Few easy answers in this hobby! I am guessing that there is something environmentally in your tank that the fish is reacting to and then excreting the sectration as a protective mechanism. Once the fish is fully acculimated to your tank, then things get cleared up.
You do accilimate the fish to your tank once you're ready to remove from QT, right?


Yes, I do acclimate... I'm not real concerned cause in the past, it has gone away on it's own. I just can't figure out what it is... Doesn't seem to bother the fish. I guess I just hoped someone knew what was going on.
Thanks again for everyone's input....