fungus or ick???


New Member
hello every one new here but not new to the fish world well sw fish world any way
i just gor a naso 2 and a half in tang today and it has spots on it like fugus but then again it could be ick but the look alot bigger than ick ill try to post pics
i have him/or her in my 29 gl qt tank
what would be the best treatment to start out with???
thanks ahead of time!!


New Member
hey thanks sepulation(hope i spelled it right lol)
you can call me what ever just dont call collect

thanks for the quick response also thats cool im gonna like it hear
will right away be soon enough to hypo him or should i wait for a little bit
thanks for the link and yes i have a refrac
to drop the salinity should i just do a water change like 5% or so and add like 5% ro di water bac in or should i mix a salt salinity level new batch with less of a salinitty level
thanks ahaead of time


Originally Posted by nastrodamous
hey thanks sepulation(hope i spelled it right lol)
you can call me what ever just dont call collect

thanks for the quick response also thats cool im gonna like it hear
will right away be soon enough to hypo him or should i wait for a little bit
thanks for the link and yes i have a refrac
to drop the salinity should i just do a water change like 5% or so and add like 5% ro di water bac in or should i mix a salt salinity level new batch with less of a salinitty level
thanks ahaead of time
You can start dropping the SG right now if you want to. It should take at least 48hrs. It is best to pull some water out and then dribble the RO in and test the sg along the way.


New Member
dropped the salinity level dow from 1.020 to 1.016 today, and i also noticed that my naso tang can make his spots that i think are ick or fungus come and go, but i did notice some ick spots on his tail!!
whats a good medicated food to feed a naso tang with ick???
i also noticed that my naso tank can make his baby blue stripe on the top of his back be a straight line or be in spots when he wants i dont know why he does this but ive never herd of it before
when he is in a good mood though he is a real dark gray with all the baby blue and yello and orange colors real bold like in color
whats up with that????


Their colors brighten and darken with their mood and if they are stressed. The spots disappearing is a normal part of ich's life cycle. You can add some fresh garlic to his food to help, other than that just continue with the hyposalinity. Watch the PH as you drop the salinity. Sometimes that drops as well. Test the PH of your fresh water. If it is low then buffer it before you add it to the tank.


New Member
The spots cone and go with his mood except for the little spots on his tail, and hey only eats the dang macroalgae and nothing else I put in there I tried veggie tabs and brown algae but to no avail
Thanks for the ph tip I aint know that
What else will he eat


Originally Posted by nastrodamous
The spots cone and go with his mood except for the little spots on his tail, and hey only eats the dang macroalgae and nothing else I put in there I tried veggie tabs and brown algae but to no avail
Thanks for the ph tip I aint know that
What else will he eat
Tabs will do nothing. Pick up some frozen formula foods for tangs. Add some fresh garlic juice to it. You can also try Nori, which is found in the Asian foods department of most grocery stores.


New Member
ok thank you i will get some tabs today and try to look for nori at walmart
hope it sounds like its spelled
thanks alot!!!