fungus!!?? pleae help!!


After doing some searching throught the forum, I couldn't find a definitive answer on what my fish have.
I have a 10 gallon with a percula and a pseudo, inverts/corals.
I noticed today that both fish have small, irregularly shaped, white and fuzzy spots only on their fins. I have dealt with ick in the past, but the ick dots appeared like salt grains and did not appear fuzzy.
Essentially, the dots are about the size of a salt grain, but appear fuzzy and irregular. About 5 dots total on each fish and ONLY on the fins.
Any ideas? And if it is ick, and since I don't have any precise salinity measurers, can I use a solution treatment? Which one?


Staff member
What are your tank readings, filtration mod?
What do you feed the fish and how often?


Aiih...I'm a bit relieved someone answered.....
I have a 10 gallon, with CC, and a Mini Penguin filter (the smallest one)
I have a crappy Tetratest Nitrate tester that isn't very accurate, but is telling me that the nitrate levels are at less than 12.5 mg/l.
Salinity is at 1.025, temp at 81 degrees. (i don't have any other testing kits)
I do bi-weekly, 15% water changes. Have had fish for 6 months.
I feed them Spectrum pellets very carefully to make sure that all pellets are consumed. I also feed them frozen brine and squid, and use a test tube to feed the dissolved water to corals in the tank.
I have a cloth mesh holding a ricordia polyp in place.


Beth....are you there????:help:
My percula is nearing death I think...
Labored breathing, sides of face sunken in, blotchiness of the skin, and swimming near the top of the tank.
Pseudo still has white fuzzy specks on fins.
Please help me.