

My gf has a coral beauty with some kind of white cottany material coming from under its operculum. The closest ID we have had is some sort of marine fungus, which personally I have never heard of until this happened. We are already treating it and a maroon clown in a hospital tank for ich so there is already copper in the water and this fungi looking stuff continues to worsen although the ich has gone away. The CB also has areas which are off in color, such as one area that should be purple is now pale yellow. What do you suggest we add to save the poor thing.


Active Member
Most cottony growths in saltwater fish are actually bacterial infections. (Fungal infections are quite rare as the salt inhibits the growth of most species of fungus). Using a product such as Maracyn 2 (at double to dose stated on the box) will usually help these infections. This can be used along with copper but should only be used in a QT.


Thanks, thats actually what she went out and got but is using at the dosage. I will tell her to up it some. thanks.


Ok, I finally got a look at the situation. The wound looks like some kind of puffy round yellow festering crater below the mouth. I have never seen anything like it on a fish. We have the maroxy in the water and I just applied some melafix on a q-tip directly to the wound itself. Anything else I should be doing?