Funky Tank


I just recieved a 50g tank yesterday. It has been sitting in a barn for the past 6 months so it is NASTY!!!! It was given to me FREE
So who am i to complain. I am Very very grateful. The problem is, when i say funky i mean very very funky. There is what looks to be like dried up algae on the sides, dirt everywhere, the tank wasn't properly drained before so there is still some nasty water in the bottom (with the gravel that was in there when the previous owner used it for their freshwater) So, although i am grateful I don't know what to clean it with?
I know alot of saltwater fish are very delicate so I'm scared to put alot of chemicals in it. Do I use bleach or do I buy something special or can i use the MR.CLEAN Eraser SPONGE (LOVE THAT THING!) ANy help would be very helpful. The sooner i get it cleaned the sooner i can get started


Active Member
Trip to the local car wash unless you have a high powered sprayer at home..I believe if you search there are posts about cleaning old tanks with chemicals and such


Active Member
you CAN use bleach, just make sure you rinse and rinse and let dry before putting anything live in it. i too have a few... cruddy spots... from the previous owner of my tank.


Active Member
Don't use bleach !!! Use diluted wayer and white vinegar and let it sit for 24 hrs. Then go for old elbow grease and scraper. Be careful you don't cut the seals on the corners.


Active Member
I use bleach all the time. just be sure to rinse really really well and let sun dry. or us a declorinator in rinse water. I've never had a problem. Why do you say not to use it??

30-xtra high

Active Member
get a hose with a head on it, and set it on "jet", and just spray the crap out of it, and if the algae is still on it, use a razor blade.


My tank was pretty nasty when I got it and i just hosed it out and used a razor blade and it looked brand new after.