keeper225 if you could break the cost down and how exactly your building something so big for so cheap that would be awesome! thanks
keeper i didnt evan see your post .. sorry.. I said $750 earlier but it will be evan cheaper than that!!
o.k here it is.
Glass- 94x 23 1/4 ...1/2" piece $250
One case of Silicone 32.00
One case of Liquid Nails 15.00
One box of 31/2 screws(500) 6.00
One 4 gal two part epoxy paint 52.00
Fiberglass 40.00
Base wood 4x4's & 2x6's 60.00
wood for the tank 140.00
= $598.00 (also i get wood at half the listed price above so it will cost me less than that total) my grandfather is a woodworker.
all the other misc. stuff i already have. Such as powertools, nailguns, finishing material, lots of sand paper, brush pads, piant brushes, buckets, etc. etc.
oh ya i also meant to say I personally dont build tanks to save money, i build tanks because its what i love to do for fun in my spare time, and it is also extremely rewarding!!!