Funny Picture!



that ray is bad!!
how big is your tank??
and how long have you had the Ray?


i read your profile i saw its a 220 sorry for all the Q's
my LFS has FW sting rays and i love them, a salty would be even cooler.
im so jealous, i just got my 135G going and im already wanting to make it a FUGE for a real tank...


Active Member
Bronco300 thats so awesome, the eyes on that guy is crazy looking...looks fake
the othe rpics int he aggressive look evan faker than that its crazy!! but you should see him move!!
and how long have you had the Ray?
i just got him today
im so jealous, i just got my 135G going and im already wanting to make it a FUGE for a real tank...
tell me about it, i just built my own 205 gallon tank about 3 months ago and im already building another 500 gallon! its liek a disease!


tell me about it, i just built my own 205 gallon tank about 3 months ago and im already building another 500 gallon! its liek a disease!

LOL that great!
custom 500..? what are the dimensions gonna be?
any idea what a tank that large costs??
my LFS is relocating to a bigger store and there selling a custom acrylic 480 for like 2000 would love it but there no way i can handle that one yet...


I'm just wandering what you would use as a stand for that big of a tank. Are you gonna custom build your own?


Active Member
custom 500..? what are the dimensions gonna be?
8x4x2.. its actually 479 gallons, i might go 8x5 but well see.....
any idea what a tank that large costs??
im building it ... so with tank, stand, glass etc(it will be a plywood tank with a glass front) it will be NO MORE than $750 as far as my calculations go!! i can break the cost down if you would like me too!


New Member
if you could break the cost down and how exactly your building something so big for so cheap that would be awesome! thanks

yeffre kix

Originally Posted by psusocr1
8x4x2.. its actually 479 gallons, i might go 8x5 but well see.....
im building it ... so with tank, stand, glass etc(it will be a plywood tank with a glass front) it will be NO MORE than $750 as far as my calculations go!! i can break the cost down if you would like me too!
Be very careful building a tank that large. I you don't know what your doing your in for one hell of a mess. The water alone will weigh in at close to 4,000 lbs. Your stand and tank have to super strong when you get up to that size. I had a 300 glass tank split a seam recently and lost 1,000's of dollars on that project. It was built by a "professional" tank company too. I tried to save a few bucks on the tank and am really paying for it now.


Active Member
I tried to save a few bucks on the tank and am really paying for it now.
haha then you should have paid me to build it!!
i dont know if you saw my thread , but i made a "how to build a 205 gallon aquarium" thread like a month ago. i build tanks.. alot of them actually. and ive built larger than 500 gallon out of plywood befroe for my crocs. that 205 gallon aquarium project was EASY and iw orked with all glass.. I will be working with plywood and glass now which will be evan easier in my opinion!!! plus my sheet of glass is 1/2"
im real excited for this build!!!
thanks for your concern though, i understand that if most people hear i was building it myself they would doubt me,, but they also doubted me with the tank i built that i currently have running right by my bed!!


Active Member
keeper225 if you could break the cost down and how exactly your building something so big for so cheap that would be awesome! thanks
keeper i didnt evan see your post .. sorry.. I said $750 earlier but it will be evan cheaper than that!!
o.k here it is.
Glass- 94x 23 1/4 ...1/2" piece $250
One case of Silicone 32.00
One case of Liquid Nails 15.00
One box of 31/2 screws(500) 6.00
One 4 gal two part epoxy paint 52.00
Fiberglass 40.00
Base wood 4x4's & 2x6's 60.00
wood for the tank 140.00
= $598.00 (also i get wood at half the listed price above so it will cost me less than that total) my grandfather is a woodworker.
all the other misc. stuff i already have. Such as powertools, nailguns, finishing material, lots of sand paper, brush pads, piant brushes, buckets, etc. etc.
oh ya i also meant to say I personally dont build tanks to save money, i build tanks because its what i love to do for fun in my spare time, and it is also extremely rewarding!!!