funny reef crew story


so i get me big 20 reef package today, good times! I get them all acclimated the way I am told and deposit them into my tank. Everyone is doing well, hermits do their thing, emeralds do theirs, same for the snails. Well my blue hippo tang decides that he is going to investagate the new additions. And by examine I mean come down upon them like blue death and pick them up and drop them to the floor of the tank. After I stopped laughing my arse off I noticed he stopped. But it was funny while it lasted, watching the little guys getting picked up by their shells and paratrooped back down. Little leggs all freakin out, good times! :)


LOL, nice, I hope my yellow tang does that too, I got the 35-55 or something one, $99 I think and I can't wait, I got some brown algae to get rid of ;)