funny stories

do any of your fish do any thing funny? if they do plz limit 2 the ammount of stories you can put on coz i love funny stories about fish.


Sir quizzy (the hawk in my avatar) does funny stuff all of the time. One time I was in front of the tank. He follows me around when I am by it. My Jack Russell started pawing at my leg. I lifted him up to see the tank. Sir Quizz started swimming back and forth in front of my dog with his mouth open. He was not happy. I put the dog down. Sir Q had become bright red. He calmed down after awhile. It was hysterical though. He is only two and a half inches, but he was going to rip my dog a new one


Well this isn't something my fish do, but my puppy Pooh Bear will sit in front of the tank during feeding time and try and 'eat' the fish. He hits his nose on the glass and everything, he gets so frustrated!

nano reefer

Active Member
when my little brother comes to visit, he peeks at my nano tank (his head just makes it to see). Then my little 1.5 inch Yasha goby comes out and opens his mouth really far open, the side of his head (gills?) stick out, he points up his top fin, and stares at him. Its like he wants to challenge him in a fight or something.

i love fish

that's really funny.
My domino damsel once has a stringy poo hanging off her for some period of time and the cleaner shrimps wouldn't clean it, so she kept reversing to make the poo float in the opposite direction to get it infront of her face so she can eat it/pull it off.