I thought I would share this story with you all. I got home in the morning and my wife told me about her feeding my new 125 inhabitants(Large Hermit, DogFace Puffer, and a snowflake eel) . My wife is a loving soul and she loves all animals and fish. We have a big hermit crab that she can reach her hand down and feed him(She has always done this in our 35). She told me that is what she was doing yesterday morning. She had some shrimp and wanted to feed our hermit crab. She reached her hand down in the tank holding on to the shrimp and BAM Out comes our new snowflake eel quicker than she could get her hand out of the water. She said he scared the crap out of her, he was very hungry and bit her. He is still small so there was no damage to the eel
I had told my kids to not stick thier hands in the tank because of the eel, I did not think of telling someone who was raised around the ocean (Florida)not to
To say the least I do not think that my wife will be trying to feed anyone again by hand in our big tank .