Funny trigger sleeping habits

Does anyone else have a huma huma,bursa trigger that actually lays on/in rocks or holes and sleeps? I find this so cool. I had a huma huma a while back that did this. And know i bought i Bursa for my dif tank and he also does this. Its very cool to see. Just wondering if anybody Else's triggers do this. Also had a Niger trigger that used to squeeze into the tiniest spots and lay. Gotta love triggers.


Active Member
Yep, welcome to the unusual world that is Trigger behavior....Nothing a Trigger does surprises me anymore.
I wish i could get a pic lol. BUt all i can see is his little tail sticking out. Triggers are my favorite. Then puffers. Aww i miss my aggressive 90g tank.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Younngballa88
I wish i could get a pic lol. BUt all i can see is his little tail sticking out. Triggers are my favorite. Then puffers. Aww i miss my aggressive 90g tank

What did you do with it?
Well Oneday I decided that the electric bill was high cause of the return pump i was running(which it was) It was an old pump. But I decided i would sell and go with a nano for a little.
Wow what a headach that was. LOL nothing went right with that. So sold that and had nothing for a while. Till i said NOPE cant do it anymore. lol Then i set up my thank now a 40 gallon fowlr. And currently working on my 150 Fowlr Build Almost ready for water. Looking for a bigger fuge and then plumbing.


Active Member
Yea I was supposed to do a 10nano but got my tank and stand brand new for $25 talk about a major clearence sale
Did you sell your tanks through your local paper?
UMM how can i say this without getting yelled at. I put them on the list site online that starts with a c. and ends with list lol. That should do lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Younngballa88
UMM how can i say this without getting yelled at. I put them on the list site online that starts with a c. and ends with list lol. That should do lol
I figured you were going to say that
I also sell tons of stuff on the BIG auction site. But had a bad sale once. Ahh it was so bad. I sold a big lot like 2 wet/dry's a pump,hob bak pak,overflow. On there and sold for a lot. And shipped it ups and it arrived to the guy and everything was smashed.
OMG i couldnt belive the pictures when he sent me them. Luckly ups did pay me back full and i had to pay the guy hos refund... So it worked ok i guess.


Active Member
I sold African Kenyi Cichlids across the US but it turned into a hassel so I stopped breeding them and sold all my pairs


Active Member
No they are fresh. Some though like sorta a brackish environment. Like right now my 55 is set up with Calvus Cichlids and I put my aquarium salt in there to keep their water hard and ph at a steady 8.4


Active Member
Mine sleeps in the PVC I have more my Eel, right below the place my puffer is always chilling. I also only see his tail sticking out while hes doing that.