Furry Algae


New Member
My 50 gallon tank is in its last stages of maturation. Ammonia is almost gone, Nitrites are high and Nitrates are rising. I have about 45 lbs of LR and im seeing some new green and darker colored furry algae growing in some spots on the rocks. Is this algae worse than regular algae? Is it going to be more harmful when I eventually put some damsels in my tank? Also, do i have to get damsels to mature my tank, some people have recommended cromis instead....


The furry algae probably is hair algae. As your tank matures you'll see different types come and go (with some work). If it is hair algae it's better to take care of it now because it'll spread like wild fire(personal experience). What kind of water did you use and do you plan to use for water changes and the initial fill. Most tap water is high in phosphates which is a major contributor to algae problems. RODI is best for your tank. You may want to have your LFS check your water if you can't check for phosphates. There are products like phos-ban that will suck phosphates out of your water if in fact that is your problem.
How did you cycle? Just live rock or did you throw a cocktail shrimp in your tank to decay? Wait until your cycle is complete before adding any fish and do a water change once done. You'll probably want a hardier fish as your first after cycle but a damsel is not necessary.