Future 240



This summer, I will be setting up a 240 gallon tank to upgrade my current 125. Tank will be 8' x 2' x 2'. Here is my possible stock list:
2 - Puffers (Porc and one other... *suggestions!*)
Pinfish (Maybe multiple... Any experience anyone?)
Fimbriated Eel
Gulf Toadfish
Vlaminigii Tang
Emporer or Queen Angel (maybe both)
Possibly a Harlequin Tusk as well.
Too much??? Incompatible??? Suggestions??? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I would say that the pinfish and the gulf toadfish are not compatable. I would also watch the tusk, they can be agressive.
Good luck with your 240. Have you bought a tank yet? I have one for sale!


Hmmm. I already have the Pinfish and Toadfish. So far, the Pinfish has treated the Toadfish as though it were just a rock and the Toadfish has showed no interest in it whatsoever. Thanks for the tip though... Will have to keep closer watch on them... I have heard the Tusks do get aggressive, I just am not sure HOW aggressive. I am trying to build the tank as not quite an all-out aggressive, but more so a bold tank.
Thanks! No, not enough money... Probably by mid-June to early-July.


Active Member
Sounds like it's going to be an amazing tank. As far as a recommendation for the other puffer besides the porc, if you have the funds then I'd go with a golden dogface. The common dogfaces are awesome fish too. A spiny burrfish would also be a nice compliment to a porc.
I'm not familiar with a pinfish but I'd add some more color to your list. Between the two, I'd go with the Emperor angel over the Queen but I prefer Majestic's or Blue face angels to either.
Vlamingi tang's are very cool but, if you are only going to do 1 tang in the tank, there are so many great options. I'd go with a clown tang, or even a pair of yellows.


Thanks!! I would love to go with a Golden, but I don't know if I have the funds... I never thought of the Spiny Burrfish... That'd be cool.
How are the Bluefaces? Is there anything special with them? Those do look awesome.
Am I still limited to 1 tang despite the size of the tank? If not, I was thinking maybe a pair of Nasos or maybe throwing a Sohal into the mix. And a small shoal of the same species would be cool too. Suggestions are definitely needed here! Thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Arlene1995
Thanks!! I would love to go with a Golden, but I don't know if I have the funds... I never thought of the Spiny Burrfish... That'd be cool.
How are the Bluefaces? Is there anything special with them? Those do look awesome.
Am I still limited to 1 tang despite the size of the tank? If not, I was thinking maybe a pair of Nasos or maybe throwing a Sohal into the mix. And a small shoal of the same species would be cool too. Suggestions are definitely needed here! Thanks!
No special requirements to keep a blueface angel. They are pretty comparable to other angels... not overly aggressive.
I think you can do 2 or 3 tangs if you want to. Sohals are beautiful but aggressive. I think one would be fine in your tank but it would end up being the boss. I love nasos (especially blondes) but I'd compliment the tank with some color. Clowns, hippos, blues, powder blues, yellows, purples all would add some nice color. I'd probably go with a pair of yellows and a sohal as your last fish. JMO.


Kewl... May have to get one!
I like that pair of Yellows and Sohal... Maybe instead of yellows, maybe Purples or how would a pair of Sailfins do? I have one already but...
How's your 450 been lately?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Arlene1995
Kewl... May have to get one!
I like that pair of Yellows and Sohal... Maybe instead of yellows, maybe Purples or how would a pair of Sailfins do? I have one already but...
How's your 450 been lately?
Good... I'm now waiting for the 3rd Dussumier tang that I've ordered. The first two each died at the retailer's facility, at least that's what I was told.
Can't wait to see your tank. Do you have any idea when you might take on this project?


Dang. Hopefully the third one will work out fine...
Thanks! It will probably be about mid-summer. Don't worry, there will be a build thread...


wow its like im copying everything you do haha
you get 125...i get 125
im making plans for a 240-300...your getting one.. haha wow
sound awesome tho

Oh! and ive herd tusks arent really too aggressive either, less then a porc


LOL! I never noticed that!
Thanks! That's good to know... If my porc is like others, than a Tusk would almost be considered peaceful! LOL


Ok so here is the potential stock list. What is in red is a for sure.
Gulf Toadfish
Fimbriated Moray
Porc Puffer
Blueface Angel
Vlamingii, Sohal, or Naso tang(s)
Maybe small Group of tangs to compliment the others
Tusk or Spiny Burrfish
Thoughts and suggestions needed!!! Thanks!!!


have you thought about a Scribbled Angel???. . those things are aweeeeeesome. i know thats the angel im going to get with my upgrade. juvis are about $180 though so theyre quite pricey. buying an adult is stupid haha $500+
they stay about 9" or 10" too so its not super huge
i also love Achilles Tangs.


Yeah, I just don't know if I can justfiy $200 on a 3" fish... Kewl! Can't wait to see yours!
Me too... Just am again not sure about $100 on a sensitive fish... We'll see!