Future Friends


Unfortunately about a month ago I had tank crash for the ages, but I don't want to go into that right now.
My question is that in the near future I am going to start replacing the fish that were lost and I am wanting to know who all will get along. I have run a few searchs on this site but have been unable to answer my questions.
I would like to have an aggressive tank with the hardiest of fish. I wanting a couple of puffers, triggers and a lion, but I do not know what puffers get along, as well as what triggers get along within their own genus.
I know that I would like to have a porc puffer and a hawaiian blue spotted.
For the triggers I am thinking a humu, niger and maybe another.
thanks in advance


Active Member
Just be careful with adding a lion and triggers together. Everytime I post this I always get one person who likes to be contradictory and say that they have their lion with a trigger and he is doing great. However, it is a pretty big risk of compatability, and sometimes I don't understand why people would take the risk with a living creature with so many more options available to them. I have seen enough lions killed by aggressive triggers that I would just not attempt it. If you are going to do it, your safest bet is to go with a niger and/or a blue throat. They are definitely the least aggressive, and out of all the triggers, I have never seen either of those bother a lion.
However, more so on the positive side, you could do a porc. and a dogface, or either a porc./dogface with a valentini or blue spot toby puffer.
Then, some of your other options include maybe a grouper and a wrasse. You could get a nice sized grouper for that tank, maybe a blue spotted grouper or a v-tailed, and then as for a wrasse, lunares are always nice looking wrasses.


thanks for the info. I was planning on getting another blue-spooted grouper as the last addition. I originally bought the tank with a BSG and had to separate him from the new smaller fish.
BTW nice additions to the site.


Hawaiian Spotted Puffer may get eaten by the grouper, and then kill the grouper because of TTX toxin inside puffers. If your bank account allows, I would swap the Huma for an Assasi. Assasis are much less aggressive and look similar.