future sps tank


i already have a 20 gallon tank with 1 55 watt pc and 2 15 watt no's, i am going to upgrade to 1 175 watt 55k metal halide and 1 55 watt pc atinic, is this enough for sps and clams and what kind of color would i get


Active Member
I disagree, You would be better off with 250watt MH for both the clams and SPS corals. BTW Crocea clams are the most light demanding clams of all, hardest to maintain and the most expensive.


Active Member
Everything I and clam farmers know about clams disagrees with your Crocea statement.
I believe you mistake Deresa clams for Croceas.


Active Member
I would have to agree that Croceas are more light demanding than other clams, and I would not suggest one for a first time clam keeper, mabey a captive bred Squamosa or Derasa. Actually no clam is easy to keep, but captive bred clams will not only give you a better chance at success, but if it does happen to die, at least it wasnt taken from the ocean. I think a 175 would be fine for most sps and clams, of course there are always those clams and sps that do best under more light, a 250 would be better, heck if you could do it a 400 would be optimal for sps and clams, but I think heat will be an issue with all MH on a tank of that size. GL


Active Member
What Adrian stated is why my point is.
Clams may be kept in suboptimal conditions; Human can survive on bread, candy and water, but is that the way to keep a captive reef?
My suggestions are based on known optimal conditions not mediocre(sp) conditions.


fwiw captive clams may need more light= they are always near the surface= easier to farm. Wild clams can be deeper. But in a 20g I belive a 175w would be enough. But I wouldn't get a crocea as my first clam.a 20g the calm will/can be closer to the light. I have 250w 6.5k and 4_110w vho in a 120g and have clams 12" away. had them for awhile with good growth.a 20g isn't even that deep with a sandbed and LR. Calcium and alk are just as important as lighting if not more JMO
[ November 25, 2001: Message edited by: Ironreef ]


I wouldn't put a derasa in a 20g well maybe for a few years. they will/can get bigger than a 20g. maxima are easier by the general rule but most areas they are cheaper. If a crocea is cheaper and if your an experianced reef keeper I would say try it. If not i woould wait. But make sure you have the lighting let the tank acclimate to the upgrade@1-2mo make sure cal and alk are good stable= 400+ 3.5meg+ get a clam 3+ in also more light dependant = hardier