fuzzy dwarf in a reef?


would a dawrf fuzzy lion be campatible with the following and in a reef system? :thinking:
2 occ clowns
1 yellow ttang
1orange spotted blennie
1green mandrin
1four line warrse
1coral beuty angle fish


If it can fit in fuzzies mouth it may end up a snack, another way to look at it is, your fuzzy can eat 1/2 it's size.


Active Member
while this is indeed true, the fuzzy is one of the least aggressive lions. Check out the pics of Murph's tank. He has a fuzzy in his 180 gallon reef and it has been perfectly fine.


Yeah, i wouldn't worry too much about it unless the fish are very small. Also, I would suggest adding the fuzzy last.


Active Member
I have a fuzzy dwarf and just love it. I recently added a bicolor blenny and my lion has never even tried to eat any of my fish. But I do feed her really well too. They are amazing fish and alot of fun too.



Active Member
Well I guess it was a stupid thought on my behalf. My precious bicolor blenny is gone....
guess whom is the culprit???? Look above at that sexy lionfish. I am pretty sure she is the one whom did it. I looked everywhere in the filters, floor etc. My tank is closed off so the blenny could not have jumped out. Dam am I mad at myself. So let this be a lesson not only to myself but others too.
I kept her fed really good, she was never given live food and came to me completley on frozen foods. Does not seem to matter, it is in their nature to hunt I guess.
Just thought i would share this, be careful what you put in your tank as it is just a matter of time before smaller fish will go missing.


Sorry about your bicolor blenny but fuzzies will eat what they can catch. It is risky when you add smaller fish when a lion is present. Lions are pretty fast growers so even if it does not happen now it could in the future, just something to keep in mind if you try smaller fish with your dwarf.
And even if a few people can keep this combination it is not recommended for everyone because again there is always that risk. No matter how well you feed your fuzzy it is still in their nature. Lions are not really aggressive but they are predators.........
BTW Debbie your fuzzy looks like a female to me, just in-case you name her....lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by V-Lioness
Sorry about your bicolor blenny but fuzzies will eat what they can catch. It is risky when you add smaller fish when a lion is present. Lions are pretty fast growers so even if it does not happen now it could in the future, just something to keep in mind if you try smaller fish with your dwarf.
And even if a few people can keep this combination it is not recommended for everyone because again there is always that risk. No matter how well you feed your fuzzy it is still in their nature. Lions are not really aggressive but they are predators.........
BTW Debbie your fuzzy looks like a female to me, just in-case you name her....lol

Ya, that was my huge mistake and "ignorance" a lesson well learned. I hate loosing fish of any kind and I just loved the blenny.
Yes my fuzzy is a female, "Sexy Lexie" is what I call her. No just Lexi the lion. Thanks for the reply.


Active Member
Originally Posted by superH
Yep; my fuzzy's eyes are either blue or a emerald green depending on the lighting/angle.

Not a stupid question at all. Yes they are blue. Do you have a fuzzy?
They are such neat fish, quite interesting to watch when the lights are out and you have a dim light on in the room. They are true predators that is for sure.


sigh... unfortunately no.. though I would love one I doubt my month or so old 30 gallon with 2 clowns, a six-line, and royal gramma would be very happy with a lion fish :scared: When we move into a new house next January and I put he 175 tank up, I will have a lion. I dont htink my inverts would care much for the lion fish either for that matter. but i LOVE them... I am claiming evyerone elses lion in spirit though, i will be their godmother.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
Not a stupid question at all. Yes they are blue. Do you have a fuzzy?
They are such neat fish, quite interesting to watch when the lights are out and you have a dim light on in the room. They are true predators that is for sure.

My fuzzy is the exact opposite. She eats right out of my hands and because she is out and swimming so much during the day, she does no hunting at night whatsoever. She hangs in her little corner and sleeps the entire night.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
My fuzzy is the exact opposite. She eats right out of my hands and because she is out and swimming so much during the day, she does no hunting at night whatsoever. She hangs in her little corner and sleeps the entire night.

That is neat, mine hangs in a corner on the front of the tank upside down. I often wonder if she is alive or not in that position. Then her next favorite spot if the back corner of the tank.
Mine eats like a pig as well. I don't let her eat directly out of my hand but she is at the top of the tank every evening waiting and the odd time jumping.... :notsure: at the food as I put it into the tank. You would think she is starved to death. Her belly surely does not indicate starvation at all.
What do you feed yours? Mine gets, frozen krill, brineshrimp, mysis shrimp. She sure has grown in the 4 months I have had her. She measures a good 4" now.
They sure are neat fish though.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
That is neat, mine hangs in a corner on the front of the tank upside down. I often wonder if she is alive or not in that position. Then her next favorite spot if the back corner of the tank.
WOW, no kidding? Mine is the exact same way!! She sleeps right in the front corner of hte tank, upside down. She used to sleep in the back corner until my clown took her spot.
I feed mine krill, ghost shrimp, mysis, brine, and protein pellets.
I absolutely love my fuzzy. She has so much personality and is so friendly.


Active Member
i had one in my tank was fine ate all my damsels(was very happy about) and was very gental on the corals