Fuzzy Dwarf LIOn Fish Help


I want to get a fuzzy Dwarf lion fish and i dont want it to eat the other fish i will get. Will it eat them?It also says they arent reef safe but they live in little caves and crevaces i am really confused with these little buggers.


Originally Posted by LAXplaya
I want to get a fuzzy Dwarf lion fish and i dont want it to eat the other fish i will get. Will it eat them?It also says they arent reef safe but they live in little caves and crevaces i am really confused with these little buggers.
I have a dwarf fuzzy in my 110g with 2 percs, coral beauty, algae blenney, scooter blenney, and a sfe. It never bothers those. However, I am missing 2 chromis and a yellow watchman goby.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LAXplaya
I want to get a fuzzy Dwarf lion fish and i dont want it to eat the other fish i will get. Will it eat them?It also says they arent reef safe but they live in little caves and crevaces i am really confused with these little buggers.
chances are it gunna eat any small fish and inverts.


Mine has never bothered any of my corals, inverts, GSM clown, or Yellow Watchman. She's my favorite fish in the tank.


Active Member
A fuzzy will eat anything it can fit in it's big ole mouth except snails and hermits for the most part. Mine peacefully coexists with 3 LARGE Chromis and a good sized Clarkie Clown in my 50.
I currently have a cleaner shrimp that is a good inch longer than my fuzzy dwarf. He annoys the heck out of him. The Lion just looks at him and says, "just wait, I'm growing and your day will come!!!!!"


I have mine in my reef and it doesn't bother anybody. I think it ate my clown fish. I never found its body. The only problem is too much current in the tank.


They will eat whatever fish that fits in their mouth!! They cant help it, its nature that did it to them.