Fuzzy Dwarf Lion


We're thinking about getting a fuzzy dwarf lion. Tell us what you think. We have a 120gal with 2 perc clowns and 1 valentini puffer. We eventually want a snowflake eel and a mandarin goby. Do you think the lion would be okay with these fish? Thanks!
He should be good with those tankmates for the most part. The mandarin might get eaten once the lion is full grown. And the potentials there for the puffer to pick at his fins but all in all I would do it.


My dwarf lion ate my perc. I didn't feed him for awhile and then the perc disappeared. Other than that dwarfs are cool fish to have. Just don't let him find any caves. Mine did and now only comes on when the light go off.


I have a dwarf fuzzy with a snowflake, 2 percs, coral beauty, sailfin, and a koran in my 110g (72 x 18 x 18).
Besides my wife getting mad because it is always hiding under my mushrooms, the fuzzy has done well.
And yes I used to have a yellow watchman goby, but it disappeared about a week or two after the fuzzy was introduced.