Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish for trade S Fla


Active Member
I have a 3" Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish for trade in south florida. Sorry locals only. I am looking for coral frags or good rock.


Originally Posted by ninjamini
I have a 3" Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish for trade in south florida. Sorry locals only. I am looking for coral frags or good rock.

This is exactly the fish that i am looking for, and if you havent seenany of my other threads, i am trying to fina home for my Batfish. my 29 gallon is just too small.... I woud do anythihng to trade for your Fuzzy Dwarf Lion!!!! I dont have too much rock or any corals, and the dwarf would work in mytnak... Please think about it, i live in Orlando and i could proababoly work something our to get it from you, and give you something of mone... What part of S. Florida do you live in>




Active Member
I live in SW Broward county. Yes we could work something out. This is truly a stunning specimen. The best I've seen. Let me know what you had in mind. I'm pretty flexible for trade. Anything fair. I just want to send him to a good tank.
So tell me about your setup.


I sent you an email maybe u didnt get it, anyways, i would absolutely love that fish, i did a lil research and i could have it in my 29 gallon. There is about 15 lbs. of live rock... There is a Coral Bealty angel, a Lawnmower Blenny, a Scooter Blenny, A coral Bandid, and Two damsels that are so good (they arent agressive and even tho they are two different damsels, they play and enjoy enjoy each others company...) Um, there are pics somewhere, i will find them and send them on this thread.....email me if you didnt get ur email for some reason....@.....sethwahltoN@hotmail.com and also, since i am only 16, and cant drive, i would have to work something out with my parents to meet you, so ..do you know how far it is from kissimmee to where you live?


Active Member
Sorry I am overstocked with fish. The only fish I am planning to add to the tank is the famed 4-Wheel Drive Goby.


Active Member
This fish is going back to the LFS by next weekend. Is there anyone that wants to save him from this fate? He really is one great looking fish.
7 Days to LFS.


New Member
This fuzzy is nice, I found one that I have in my tank where half of his back is yellow and so are his venomous spines.......amazing red/yellow color......I paid a little more for him however, but wanted another lion after no longer having a fish only tank and the larger Volitans....figured hes smaller and couldnt eat the smaller fish, larger inverts.


Active Member
Do you need a clean up crew??? i have about 88 inverts for trade on a different post. let me know? also are you sure its only three inches? what is it eating?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lubeck
Do you need a clean up crew??? i have about 88 inverts for trade on a different post. let me know? also are you sure its only three inches? what is it eating?
Hamg on let me go measure....It might be 4 inches. He wont sit still when I put the ruler in. I already traded some clowns for a clean up crew. I'm looking for frags.