Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish?


Would this fish be safe to have in a FOWLR tank? I would like to have a few clowns and things like that, and of course, shrimp. If a Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish will be a problem, then i just wont get one. Also, what do you feed them? Will they survive on prepared foods or do they need live?


Active Member
All lions are predators. Depending on the size will eat anything that fit in it's mouth. Which can get pretty large by the way. I just don't see a good outcome keeping a lion with clowns or shrimp. Meals waiting to happen.
Yes, lions can ge trained to take frozen foods. It's much easier if the LFS has already done that for you. If not, there are lots of threads where folks have shared their techniques to convert the lions over to prepared food.
Good Luck!


Its not really a big deal. My GF wants a lion fish in my tank, so i can just tell her that they will eat "nemo". And that will solve that problem. Thanks for the repy.


Active Member
I have a fuzzy dwarf in with my two p. clowns, as well as 3 pepermint, 3 camel back, and 1 cleaner srimp, and hes fine. He eats all frozen foods. Good luck


Originally Posted by PFitz44
I have a fuzzy dwarf in with my two p. clowns, as well as 3 pepermint, 3 camel back, and 1 cleaner srimp, and hes fine. He eats all frozen foods. Good luck

Is he full grown?


lion is lion so heads up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they love to eat my eats everything


I doubt a dwarf lion would ever eat a clown, as long as you dont keep a tiny clown with a large lion. Ive kept large (3-4") tomato and maroon clowns with large (8-9") volitans lions with no casualties. The shrimp on the other hand will probably become food once the lion gets bigger a few years down the line.


Active Member
I have a fuzzy dwarf lionfish, she is in with 2 ocellaris clowns and 1 yellowtail damsel. No problems at all. My fish though are not tiny ones and my lionfish is about 3 1/2 inches now. She was started on frozen foods and that makes a huge difference. I have never offered live and never will, I feed frozen brine, mysis and krill.
I have been told that any shrimps will be dinner, i don't have any shrimps so i cannot comment on that. They are truly fasicnating fish in my opinion and just love them.
Good luck with your choice.......Deb



Thank you for your replies. I think what i'll do is just wait till i get another tank for aggressive fish. My 46 bow is gonna be for smaller fish and different kinds of interesting critters that i dont want eaten... :)
Thanks again.