Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish

forrest gump

New Member
I was wondering if a small fuzzy dwarf lionfish would get along with my current tank residents? I currently have a yellow tang, a coral beauty, and a maculous angel in a 125 gallon tank. I also have various snails and crabs, will he bother those? I don't have any corals at the moment but I plan on adding a couple tubestrea sun corals later this year. How is this lionfish with corals? I want to buy a real small one so that he grows up with the smaller coral beauty, hopefully he won't view it as a menu item. Thanks for your input and ideas.


Active Member
A fuzzy dwarf won't get large enough to eat a grown coral beauty. You could do one in that tank. He won't bother any corals other than his messy eating habits. He may snatch a crab or too though. Bo