Fuzzy Dwarf questions


New Member
I'm thinking of adding a Fuzzy Dwarf Lion to my 50 gallon tank which is currently fishless. If I do, what sorts of fish would be able to live with it? And what kind of cleanup crew would work for this?
Or is this just one of my not-so-great ideas?


Active Member
The lion will do good in there but you would have to stock it with fish that could not fit in it's mouth. Every fish is different but mine has not bothered my coral banded shrimp or crabs BUT it did take out a bangaii cardinal that was 1/3 it's size.


New Member
Thanks. So I probably should only choose fish that are at least half the lion's size, right?
How about the cleanup crew?


Active Member

Originally Posted by triviachamp
Thanks. So I probably should only choose fish that are at least half the lion's size, right?
How about the cleanup crew?
hermit crabs and snails MIGHT be ok. Like I said every fish is different. Tangs would be a good choice, IF
you had the correct size of tank and NO the 50 will not cut it
. Nothing below a 125 long (6ft)will do until the experience level is established.